Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Discount Vacations + Lucrative Business = TraVerus

TraVerus Travel offers everyone the unique opportunity to own their own online travel business. Not only can you travel the world for literally pennies on the dollar, but now you can introduce others to the same incredible opportunities in the world of travel, and be rewarded for your efforts. Which makes TraVerus Travel the most lucrative home based business opportunity available. You are able to save money on a lifetime of travel and earn exciting cash commission for helping others succeed!

TraVerus Travel Agents can now draw upon an already staggering travel industry which is already a 7 trillion dollar a year industry, which is expected to double by the end of the decade. Through TraVerus you get to take advantage of cheap travel, offered through discount vacation packages, member trips, and more.

TraVerus already has amazing celebrity spokesman, John O’ Hurley. Award-winning actor John O’Hurley has catapulted into television’s busiest and most versatile actor/show host, advertising hero and feature film star. O’Hurley is best known as “J. Peterman” on “Seinfeld” which is now the #1 syndicated show in the world and can be seen in 85 countries. John O’ Hurley reappeared in prime time in 2005, capturing America’s heart with his turn on Season 1 of “Dancing with the Stars,” where he officially won the series with the highly contested “Dance Off.”

Travel is something everyone loves to do. Why not save money, as well as make money while you are doing it!! Click Here if you would like to learn more about TraVerus Travel

Larry Buhrandt - Regional Executive


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